Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Hatchet and Pickle?

What? The Hatchet and Pickle?

The name states the entire premise of the blog it's time to get out the hatchet and start cutting because we are in a real pickle. We have been submerged in the cool aid of the progressive movement for too long now. It is quite funny how they operate they change the color of your brine from green to this sickly tinted rose and than hopefully to all out red. They do their best to convince you that the world is better now that their cool aid has infiltrated your jar. But is it really, I mean really. Is a cool aid tainted pickle is that really as good a regular pickle? Would you chop it make relish? Would you use it at your next barbeque? How about for tartar sauce? I don't think so. A pickle is a versitle food that be served with many dishes what does adding cool aid do except make it unifunction dish.

But perhaps that is the master plan, reduce the effectiveness of the pickles and change them into monopurpose items incapable of being the industrious complimentary condiment. If the pickles exercised their free will that would be dangerous; they are just sour, bitter objects looking at world through their green brine. Unlike our fabricated progressive pickles, who are sweet, tart and view the world through cool aid laced rose colored brine. But I think by now you get my point, or perhaps you are just floating in too much cool aid.

This blog is for all the kosher dills who want to see the world again from our own jars and not the contaminated ones we have been forced to live in. The rose colored world ends, it might not pretty, it won't be easy but it is required that we stop floating in the cool aid to stop the insantity.

The Red Pickle